It was just five months ago when a drastic turning point in my life happened when God finally called my dear wife Elsa home to be with Him and granted her, her eternal rest from the illness that plagued her, yet endured, for the last 19 years of her life. Although her cancer had always presented the real threat with her mortality, she was still temporarily allowed to overcome this disease and lived a very meaningful life but her fight to survive only prolonged the inevitable consequence. I hold on with the faith that Elsa is deservingly enjoying God’s promise of eternal happiness, free from the pain and suffering she went through while here on earth. She touched many lives with her goodness, purity, sincerity, and unselfish love for others which came so naturally for her to impart. As remembrance and was the soloist of the choir, “Sundaze”, from the early 70’s, all songs tonight were specifically chosen when Elsa sang them here at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish during the 7:00pm Sunday masses.
I thank everyone here tonight for your love, affection, and respect for her, for honouring her wonderful life, and to everyone who gave your love back to Elsa and are grateful for her existence. Thank you to all the people who were involved and organized this memorial mass for her and made this heartwarming event possible. Thanks to Elsa's close friends and the choir group for extending your welcome and friendship to me over the years. We both are truly grateful!
With all my love!
A Tribute to a very Dear Friend
by Val Mapé
I don’t think I looked defeated but Elsa never failed to ask me: “is everything alright or, are you okay?” each time we see each other. I was not the only beneficiary of her warm and comforting heart; cats and dogs also found the kindness in her heart and warmth in her house as sanctuaries. The word apparently spread out into the neighbourhood because more stray cats also found safe haven with her. Did you know that each of her cats had separate shoebox-type of condo housing inside the house that Marc lovingly built for her cats? And Elsa could identify each of all 13 of them and call them by the pet names she christened them with! Incredible you might say, but then she was a truly remarkable woman!
We wish Jean and I were musically endowed because Jean is a music addict. Our shelves are stacked with countless CD’s & DVD’s and what have you, which she began collecting 45 years ago. However, in spite of being musically challenged, we ended up in Lee’s church choir only because we were so damn cute. Jean is still is but please be kind enough not to ask what happened to me. As we all know, Elsa was a consummate singer. She was the soloist; but there were times when someone would grab the spotlight, do the solo, albeit unintentionally; I won’t name names, but I still love her gems of perfect imperfections.
Maybe it was just me who thought so, and I say this with the utmost respect and admiration for her; my personal observation was that she was always transparent, and never sugar-coated a word she said; a straight shooter, no smokes and mirrors or curves; simply straight from the heart! Her words were framed in youthful innocence, tempered with a sweet tint of naivety. This was her honest nature that just oozed out of her absent any shade of malice. This trait was innate with her and like her other wonderful qualities, it was unrehearsed and totally spontaneous.
Elsa was also a good judge of character. Perfect proof of that was she married Marc and had all of you for her friends. No pun intended! Anyway, I would never forget that one time when I wondered why Elsa was nodding her head repeatedly while intensely watching me helped clean up the mess after our bowling party; the answer was revealed to me later; I became our bowling league’s statistician! I took her judgment of my skill as a compliment of my janitorial skill by stretching cleanliness to mean godliness, and performed to the best of my sanitation expertise. It also gave me the chance to play a plastic surgeon, restructuring the figures a few times. Not true! I had my secretary do it.
It won’t be an exaggeration to describe Elsa as brave, a martyr, a survivor, endearing, humble, unassuming, warm, kind, thoughtful, loving, comforting, caring, God-fearing, a consummate singer, never self-centered and above all, a truly authentic friend ... all wrapped around her wonderful personality; Elsa, you were truly one of a kind! Your passing left a hole in our hearts that would remain unfilled ad infinitum. We love you and pray for the continued repose of your soul. We pledge to you that we will always be around for Marc!
If there is anything that I can leave you with it would be this simple and doable thought: be kind to one another!
(From the mass program)
Message from Fr. Robert Foliot, SJ
Fr. Bert was Our Lady of Lourdes Pastor when the “Sundaze” was serving at the 7:00 pm Mass. We also served in Music Ministry, briefly during the ‘Shepherdships’ of Fr. Walsh and Fr. Johnson.
I would have loved to have been with you, Lee. It is just a conflict in scheduling. The Sundaze helped the parish at a crucial time in its history. Thank you for all you did. Liturgical music enhances the celebration. It takes the Word of God and expresses it in a way that opens people's hearts to receive and respond. The Sundaze faithfully every week helped in nourishing all the people who left their apartments to come over to the Church on Sunday evenings to listen to God and to receive from God what they needed to begin another week.
Many of these people were real newcomers to Canada at the time. Sundaze, with its experience in Canada, showed them how to follow Jesus in a new land, which was now their new home. God bless all of you.
- Fr. Foliot
(From the mass program)
Special thanks to the following who made this memorial possible:
Lee Quesada, Celia Boggs, Georgia Gaceta, Rey and Gigi Yu, Fr. John Sullivan for officiating the mass, for the music provided by members of the choir, and for the speakers who shared your sentiments.
To everyone who provided food and refreshments, and to all who prepared the church and reception, we thank you so much for your generosity and kindness.
Elsa with Lee Quesada