From: Dennis Greedy
Your loss of Elsa…wife, Sweetheart and best friend, is beyond comprehension. We shall all miss her smiles, generosity and up-beat personality. Elsa was truly one-of-kind, and shall always be remembered fondly by those whose lives she touched. Please know that you and family are in our prayers.
God bless,
Dennis, Liz, Fran & Jake
Friday, December 18, 2015

From: Jun and Pat Fabella
Our heartfelt condolences on the passing away of our dear beloved Elsa.
We pray; Eternal rest grant unto Elsa O LORD and let perpetual light shine upon her. May Elsa's soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in CHRIST'S peace. AMEN.
A blessed Christmas to you
Jun & Pat & family
Friday, December 18, 2015

From: Elisa Q. Baturiano
Condolence Tito Mark, Auntie Miriam and Auntie Nelly from Lauro and Mila Family, Eternal Rest Grant Unto Her O Lord and let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Her. Amen. Rest in Peace My ninang Elsa.
Friday, December 18, 2015

From: Bien & Precy Santos
Dear Nonoy, remembering her beautiful heart and wonderful soul will remain with us forever. Her good heart has stopped beating but her soul has ascended to join the creator. May Elsa rest in peace.
Friday, December 18, 2015

From: Jhun, Lina, Carol, Ced, CJ, & Carlos Paje
Kuya Marc,
With heartfelt sympathy. We will miss you Ate Els ... you are gone but your memory will live on in our hearts and mind forever.
Friday, December 18, 2015

From: Julie Corpuz
Dear Manny,
As you mourn the loss of your loved one, may you find comfort in knowing that others share in your sorrow. May our God of eternal love bring you comfort in your sadness, hope in the face of despair, and courage during this difficult time with the knowledge of everlasting life.
Friday, December 18, 2015

From: Leslie Chan
Marc, she was a gift to all of us that knew her such a grand lady, generous, kind nature and a memory like an elephant who never forgets a name or face. Elsa introduced me to hula hula drink I thank George Chan who introduced us couple decades gone by. We watched your earlier days jamming on the guitar at Elsa and your home. I am blessed and happy I had chance to meet people like you two. She left an imprint in my heart. Her memories will live on in all of us.
Friday, December 18, 2015

From: Ceres
Marc - I am so, so sad that she's gone but content that her pain has ended and that she's finally sitting with God. Because you and she had such a strong bond of love, I know she's still very close by you. So please, when you have the moment to speak to her, please send her this message from me:
Ate Elsa -
I will remember how you found every reason to have me stop by for lunch. I will remember how you help nurse my broken spirit with every meal you and Kuya prepared. I will not forget how being around you was a lesson of what happiness and love can be. I will not forget your subtle way of teaching me how to forgive and see the good in people. I will remember how you encouraged me to grow spiritually without judgment. I will remember that you said singing is like prayers to God’s ears, so I must sing every chance I get. I will not forget that you have faith and belief in me. I will not forget that I was blessed when I met you.
So until we meet again, Ate … I will never forget to always remember you. With all my love - Ceres
Friday, December 18, 2015

From: Nilda Nartates & Family
Am deeply sad to lose a very good, sweet and kind friend who is like a sister to me. We shared problems and joys when we were together in Lady’s Choice office. Surely a lot of our officemates will miss her dearly - lovingly, kind, and ‘malambing’ Els. Marc, you are very lucky to share life with Els who dearly, dearly loved you so much. She carried your good name with her that she considered it as “music”. She has always talked about you. Els is very lucky to have enjoyed and shared a love that was so real and full of joy and happiness. Els and you, Marc, are of two blessed being that will be bound together in the second life. You and Els are lucky to share a love that is “eternal” and surely God will unite you in heaven. Take care of yourself Marc. Els will be happy to see you happy. Brave yourself. Els is now safely home. She loves you with no comparison - full and unbroken. She’ll be happy to see that you are coping well. You shared so many memories and good times and that’s something she’ll always treasure and carry with her.
Friday, December 18, 2015

From: Cora Dacillo
Our dear Marc,
No words can express sorrows and pains and loss of loved ones! But know that you are always in our prayers specially on these most trying moments of yours!
May you be fully given enough strength and courage by our Holy Spirit to go thru life as smooth as possible.
Our hearts too are in deep mourning! Elsa was such a fine lady with a very generous heart!
May our Lady cover you in Her Mantle always!
Baby & family
Saturday, December 19, 2015

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